Kicker Sub
RE: Kicker Sub
I've studied accoustics and wave propogation, but I'm also no expert on it. What I was looking at are the Kicker shallow 6.5's. I'd probably set it up on low-pass with the cutoff at 300Hz with a bass blocker on the RCA at 100Hz to give me a 100-300 Hz window, then set up the 15 around 200 Hz.
www.crutchfield (dot) com/p_2068C65VT4/Kicker-CompVT-08CVT654.html?tp=111
www.crutchfield (dot) com/p_2068C65VT4/Kicker-CompVT-08CVT654.html?tp=111
RE: Kicker Sub
I've never heard a CVT but I haven't heard good things as with most shallow subs. Why a shallow sub? If you want a sub to reproduce that range I don't really know what to suggest. That's more of a woofer than a subwoofer, but a woofer can go up to 400hz or 500hz if I remember correctly. As you get more into these complex setups I don't know much, I only did research on what I could afford. And 200hz is very high for a 15", I wouldn't go above 90hz with a 15". The crossover point doesn't mute every frequency above, it just starts to decrease them. So 100hz still plays when crossed at 90hz, but you probably already knew that.
RE: Kicker Sub
Yeah, I understand how the crossover works .... I guess you're right that 200 is too high .... specs say that the 6.5" can do 30 Hz ..... maybe I'll cut it out around 60 Hz and do 90 on the other like you said. I'm also starting to think that I might be best also incorporating a processor. The reason for the shallow mounts is that I can mount them in the OEM locations in the walls next to the rear seats .... the speakers are ok with an IB type setup. My main point is to get a nice hit and also use frequencies that can actually help the sound rather than just provide fill.
RE: Kicker Sub
While it's rated for 300hz that doesn't mean 300hz will sound so great from it. My CVX is rated up to 500hz (the L7 is only up to 100hz, and it sounds better? lol). What your looking for can be found, and much better than a CVT. Your looking for a sub with excellent SQ, which the CVT is not, or any kicker for that matter. What you looking for is more of a woofer than a sub woofer. Either way your going to need to feed whatever your going put there more than 75ws even in an IB. And a processor is always a plus.
RE: Kicker Sub
is there a way that i can keep my sub from playing the voices??...liike...sometimes ill hear the words of the song or some of the song playing through my sub...that takes away from the bass quality doesnt it?? can i keep the sub from playing everything except bass?
RE: Kicker Sub
Lol set your low pass crossover lower, it shouldn't be set above 90hz. I would recommend 80hz as a starting point, and make your way up. Your L7 can only go up to 100hz, once you get a CVX your range will go up to 500hz. Why the difference between 100hz and 500hz? That's the differance between a round and square cone, wish I would have saw the L7s are rated so low, even the 8" is only rated at 100hz.
RE: Kicker Sub
Well it's not as powerful so it's actually worse. Your L5 is also only rated for 100hz, when I say L7 I usually mean both L5 and L7, the only difference between the two is the driver.
RE: Kicker Sub
WELL ACTUALLY MY AMP...DOESNT SAY LP OR HP OR NOTHIN ALL IT SAYS ARE THINGS LIKE PHASE....BASS BOOST....30-100(i think)....100-250(if im not mistaken)...i tuned it a lil the bess got louder but thats it
RE: Kicker Sub
Ok you have the switch set right if your hearing bass, so the **** that starts at 30 and goes up to 100 or even more is the low pass ****. So if your **** is 30hz to 100hz the **** at noon would be 65hz. Disregard my other post about setting it at 80 or 90hz, try 65hz and make your way up from there.