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Have you guys seen these?

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Old 12-05-2007, 11:35 AM
nafango2's Avatar
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Default RE: Have you guys seen these?

didnt see that one coming...

no comment.

when people start to bring god into it, i usually just accept their stance on it as unchangable.
Old 12-05-2007, 12:12 PM
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So Jon ..... how deep does your underground bunker have to be to withstand brimstone? Also, how much food to you have to stockpile????

I'm just kidding!!!! .... we all know that there won't be enough O2 left to breathe
Old 12-05-2007, 05:20 PM
nafango2's Avatar
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Default RE: Have you guys seen these?

ORIGINAL: 00AccordLX5spd

I believe what the Bible says. I believe GOD created the heavens and the earth. I do not believe it evolved over billions of years. I am not sure how accurate the people are who estimate the age of the earth based on the Bible, but I believe it is only around 10,000 years old or so. I have seen other estimates of like 25,000 years, but I have never seen a Biblical based estimate of the age of the world that suggested anything close to even a million years.
Any scientist who has ever tried to disprove anything in the Bible has not been successful. They just believe in evolution becasue they choose not to believe in God.

I do not doubt we are polluting the world with all of our actions, but I do not believe the world will come to an end becasue of something men do. I believe God will destroy the world on judgement fire. After the flood, God said he would never cover the earth with a flood again, and I believe that. This whole Global Warming thing has led me to believe people think eventually all of the ice is going to melt and the earth will be covered by water. I don't buy that because I believe what God said.

I never said I didn't believe the CO2 level has risen over the years. I am sure it has. I just don't agree with the scientists methods of dating their samples.

Not trying to push my religious views on anyone. Just explaining my rationale behind my beliefs.
Im not a religous person.
but both my parents are.
I remember a story I was once told, religion-wise.

A man sits inside of his house, watching a news about they expect flooding. A few days later it begins to rain. People in his neighborhood start to leave town. They ask if he wants to come with, and he says "no, if the rain comes god will save me". Another day of rain goes by, flooding the first story of his house. He sits on the second story, praying to god, asking him to save him. He had faith. Soon a boat goes by, and they spot him inside of his house. The boat full of people pull up the window and ask if the man wants to join them on their boat. He retains his faith, knowing that god will save him, and kindly says "no, I have faith that god will save me". The boat leaves and he continues to pray. Slowly the level of water rises. He eventually has to climb up on his roof, the water level increasing above the last story of his house. As the water level creeps up, A helicopter comes by, and the people inside try to tell him to climb aboard. He says "no, I have faith that god will save me, I will be alright." The people on the helicopter try to convince him to come with, but he refuses, sure that god will save him. He continues to pray, "Please god, save me!". The water level rises further. He is sure god will save him. Eventually the water creeps to his ankles. His waist. His head. His last thoughts are "Please god,". He rises to heaven, and asks god why he was not saved. God replies, I did. I sent the people to get you out, the boat, and the helicopter. THEY were your saviors, sent from me.

The point is that the end of world MAY in fact be global warming, and the movement to stop it may be sent by god to stop it.
Most things in the bible are parables, metaphors for how we should live our life.
Old 12-05-2007, 06:35 PM
ckebottle's Avatar
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Default RE: Have you guys seen these?

ORIGINAL: 00AccordLX5spd

I do not doubt we are polluting the world with all of our actions, but I do not believe the world will come to an end becasue of something men do. I believe God will destroy the world on judgement fire. After the flood, God said he would never cover the earth with a flood again, and I believe that. This whole Global Warming thing has led me to believe people think eventually all of the ice is going to melt and the earth will be covered by water. I don't buy that because I believe what God said.

Very interesting. Never heard that perspective before. I'm not trying to be a punk or anything, but did you develop that rational on your own or was that preached to you?
Old 12-05-2007, 07:36 PM
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Default RE: Have you guys seen these?

I want God to come to me and say...

"HEY! I'm real."
Old 12-05-2007, 11:27 PM
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Default RE: Have you guys seen these?

Wait..... so how did this story come about? like.... did the guy come back to life and tell people? Cause im pretty sure that one wasnt in the bible..... well.... wait.... maybe its in the new testament....... bible = stories of morality..... most of the was writen 200 to 400 years after the fact....... ultimately a bunch of people too ignorant to be good people decided everything in the bible was something that happened to the scale that it claims when theres no proof to a lot of what is said, just cause a person cant disprove something doesnt mean its proven to be true cause of that...... that would be like saying that the bible talked about modern physics, or how back when religion ruled the world and the church condemed people for believing the world wasnt flat and that the earth actually revolved around the sun and not the other way around...... hell..... look at the gospel of judas that the vatican was going to destroy because it would create doubt about the validity of the bible and that gospel was carbon dated over 1800 years old
Old 12-05-2007, 11:43 PM
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" bible = stories of morality" That's how I've always looked at the bible. I was always told to take the bible as a guide on how to live life and that the stories that were written were how the people of that time explained things since they didn't have the luxrious of modern science (in regards to the old testament).
Old 12-06-2007, 10:01 AM
00AccordLX5spd's Avatar
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Default RE: Have you guys seen these?

ORIGINAL: ckebottle

Very interesting. Never heard that perspective before. I'm not trying to be a punk or anything, but did you develop that rational on your own or was that preached to you?
Developed on my own.

I never said I thought it was going to be "fire and brimstone from heaven." I just said I believe the earth will be destroyed by fire as the Bible says. Whether it be in the form of a nuclear war, a huge meteor, the earth getting too close to the sun, etc...
I don't believe the icecaps are going to melt and flood the earth. Maybe the ozone will give out and the earth will burn to a crisp. I guess that could be considered due to "global warming." My beliefs are this: there is nothing we can do about the end of the world. That date has already been set by God. We cannot avoid it or prolong it.

I never said I had any evidence. I just have faith.
The "scientific evidence" behind carbon dating and evolution is not very convincing to me.
Old 12-06-2007, 01:01 PM
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Default RE: Have you guys seen these?

yeah, but then it becomes less of a prophecy and more of a realization if the order of the universe doesnt clense life off earth the people will..... its not prophetic, its human nature
Old 12-06-2007, 01:49 PM
00AccordLX5spd's Avatar
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I believe God controls everything on the face of the earth. I believe every person's actions are controlled by God. I do not believe in "free will." I believe God controls what you call "human nature." So you say people destroyed the world, I say God did it by controlling the people to do so.

Haha I know I'm about to get flamed here! There are not many denominations of Christianity who evenbelieve what I believe about "free will." I don't even think my wife believes it! Most people want to believe God only controls the "good" things that happen. I believe he controls all of the "bad" things to.

I'm not telling people that they are necessarily wrong. I do not know for a factthat I am right. I just believe I am. Or you could say it is my "opinion."
And everybody knows what they say about opinions!

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